Tracking projects yield benefits as long as it is performed in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, for optimal results it’s believed that a methodology and certain professions are strictly neccessary; a different scenario when tracking projects using Jira. Keep reading, we will tell you everything on this matter.
Traditionally, the professions usually fully devoted to track projects are Project Managers, Product Managers, Product Owners; from Jira’s point of view they would be equivalent to any person with enough knowledge, known as Project Lead, or just any other person interested in tracking project updates in Jira..
What is Project Tracking?
Project tracking is a broader concept, depending on the standpoint (needs, capacity, tasks, internal/external factors…). In this case, it’s the capacity of an organization to identify the status of each project, how these evolve over time, and the capacity of determining whether they are finished or about to, or even the capacity of determining whether a project could result in an economic hazard (or not.)
Aspects subject to project tracking:
When tracking projects, there are some common aspects to be followed to, such as:
- Registering overall data of the whole context surrounding the project.
- Economical attributes.
- Completed tasks (or those yet to be completed.)
- The capacity of the resources committed to the project.
- Follow-up of current and potential risks.
- Etc…
How to perform project tracking?
There are different ways and aspects of a project which can be tracked. However, it’s desirable to centralize all the project information. This will allow an easier collaboration along with each stakeholder. Spreading the project information in more than one platform may lead to communication faults or mistakes when performing project tracking.
Imagine the chaos when having the information related to a project it’s scattered over an agenda, a spreadsheet, a Trello board, and so on… Project tracking is cursed not to be very effective.
Project tracking is everyone’s business
Project tracking with Jira can be a job for Project Managers or simply for Jira Administrators with this responsibility on their shoulders or with the will to gain tighter control over the projects they administer on an instance.
Anyways, the obtained benefits are the same, the methodology or the role are not requirements to achieve project control in Jira with Projectrak. When making project tracking with this app for Jira you will be finally able to abandon the duplicated information around your Excel sheets, as well as over a variety of software platforms which probably causes disinformation and confusion among teams.
The time to encourage collaborative teamwork on projects has come; generate a greater sense of collaboration and responsibility among each project stakeholder it should be a standard, the tracking of projects is not an exclusive task for those responsible for the project, project tracking is everyone’s business.